Job Description
Vi søger altid dygtige konsulenter, arkitekter og specialister på alle niveauer
Hvis du ikke fandt en ledig stilling, som matcher dine kompetencer eller jobønsker, er du meget velkommen til at sende en uopfordret ansøgning med en kort beskrivelse af dine ønsker til et fremtidigt job samt dit CV. Vi vil kontakte dig, hvis din ansøgning fører til en samtale.
We are always looking for skilled consultants, architects and specialists at all levels
If you did not find a vacancy that matches your competencies or job requirements, you are very welcome to send us an unsolicited application with a short description of your wishes for a future job and your resume. We will contact you if your application leads to an interview.
If you have any questions regarding our current positions or NTT DATA Business Solutions Nordics as a workplace, feel free to reach out.
Malak Bakir
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We transform. SAP® solutions into Value
Learn more about NTT DATA Business Solutions
NTT DATA Business Solutions is an international and fast-growing IT company and one of the world's leading SAP partners. We are a full-service provider delivering everything from business consulting to the implementation of SAP solutions – including hosting, operations, and support. In the Nordic region, we employ approx. 550 employees based in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. And while the world is talking about digital transformation, we are in the process of transforming ourselves and our customers. In NTT DATA Business Solutions, AI, AR, VR, IoT, robotics, drones, blockchain technology and 3D printing are raw and real reality. The exponential technologies are constantly being implemented more widely in the solutions, and we must be able to cover it all.
Listen to the story of Employee Voice
Gorkem Ozdener
Consulting Manager
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Vinay Godugu
Practice Manager
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Agata Maruszewska
HR Business Partner
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