Are you interested in NMR-based structural mechanistic biology and excited at the prospect to contribute to the molecular understanding of the human longevity factor FoxO3? Then the Viennet lab at iNANO invites you to apply for a fulltime Postdoc position funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Expected start date and duration of employment
This is a –year position from 1 October 2024 or as soon possible thereafter.
Job description
The position will focus on experimental determination of mechanisms underlying the regulation of FoxO3 by phosphorylation. Two main aspects will be investigated, namely the regulation of co-activator binding and DNA interactions.
You will establish protocols and prepare specifically phosphorylated samples of FoxO3, and perform NMR, biophysical and cell biology experiments. The focus can be put on advanced chemical biology routes or advanced dynamics NMR experiments, depending on your interests.
If your interests align, you will contribute to the development of novel tailored NMR methods. You will work closely with international collaborators, including through a research stay abroad at IBS Grenoble or Brown University.
You will present your research at local and international conferences.
Your profile
Who we are
The Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO; ) at Aarhus University is a modern research and education center with a particular emphasis on collaboration across traditional disciplinary boundaries. iNANO is at the forefront of nanocharacterization and is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in microscopy, diffraction, spectroscopy and cell culture. The NMR research is also embedded within the Department of Chemistry ().
The Viennet lab in the bioNMR group focuses on elucidating protein regulation by NMR and investigates protein disorder, dynamics and interactions. We are part of the Danish Center for Ultra-high field NMR spectroscopy and have access to NMR spectrometers operating at 500, 700 and 950 MHz for solution NMR, as well as solid-state spectrometers.
More information can be found at :
Aarhus University provides a strong international research and training environment with excellent professional and private conditions. Foreign employees can get help and information from the AU International Center () and Work in Denmark (). Tax reduction schemes for researchers may apply.
What we offer
The iNANO center offers :
Place of work and area of employment
The place of work is the iNANO house, Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, and the area of employment is Aarhus University with related departments.
Contact information